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Hot Button’ Issues

Agreements and Disagreements Finder

There are 8 statements below representing "Hot Button" Issues. Please read through each statement out loud with your Zoomerang partner. After each statement, write down your agreement scores on your score card to keep track of your responses. If you both have exact agreement on any opinion, engage in a Zoom high five. When done, tally the difference between the scores for each statement to see where you have the biggest areas of agreement and disagreement. Once you are done, take a few minutes to discuss why you AGREE on various opinion statements. (Do NOT talk about the places you disagree yet! )

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1. Everyone needs to stay home right now period. No one should be allowed to travel at all outside of the grocery store and emergencies.​





2.  Religion is harmful to our society. 





3.  Atheism is a healthy and valid belief system.​





4.  Men are responsible for the development of rape culture.





5.  Transgender bathrooms should be required in all public restrooms.





6.  The role of Government should be to ensure everyone has access to healthcare, food, housing and education.  





7.  I support Black Lives Matter.  





8. Everyone should strive to be thin.





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